
 Marmara Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü

    İktisat Politikası Doktora Programı

       ‘Teknoloji İktisadı’ Dersi (2018–2019)



C. Freeman, L. Soete, Yenilik İktisadı, Çev: E. Türkcan, TÜBİTAK Yayınları, Ankara, 2003 (Online satın almak için Ideefixe)

Jan Fagerberg, “Technology and the Wealth of Nations: A Critical Essay on Economic Growth Theory”, Conference “The Future of Innovation Studies Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, 20-23 September 2001

A. Soyak, Teknoekonomi, Der Yayınları, (Genişletilmiş 2. Baskı), İstanbul, 2011

Charles Cooper, “Relevance Of Innovation Studies To Developing Countries”, Technology and Innovation In The International Economy, Edward Elgar, United Nations University Press, 1994

TMMOB, Teknoloji, TMMOB Yayınları, Ankara, Mayıs 2004  (Full Text)

Rajneesh Narula and José Guimón, "The R&D activity of multinational enterprises in peripheral economies: evidence from the EU new member states",  UNU MERIT, 2010

G. Basalla, Teknolojinin Evrimi, Çev: Cem Soydemir, TÜBİTAK Yayınları, Ankara, 1996. (Online satın almak için Ideefixe)

Nagesh Kumar, “Foreign Direct Investments and Technology Transfers in Development: A Perspective on Recent Literatures”, The United Nations University, INTECH Discussion Paper Series  1996

D. Dickson, Alternatif Teknoloji: Teknik Değişmenin Politik Boyutları, Çev: Nezih Erdoğan, Ayrıntı Yayınları, İstanbul, 1992.  (Online satın almak için Ideefixe)

Nagesh Kumar, “Technology Generation and Technology Transfers in the world Economy: Recent Trends and Implications for Developing Countries”, The United Nations University, INTECH Discussion Paper Series 1996

M. Kiper,  "Ar-Ge ve İnovasyon Süreçlerinde Yeni Yaklaşımlar ve Bu Kapsamda Türkiye için Öneriler", TOBB, 2010 (Full Text)

Linsu Kim, “The Dynamics of Technological Learning in Industrialisation”, The United  Nations University, INTECH Discussion Paper Series  2000.

H. Ansal, Esnek Üretimde İşçiler ve Sendikalar, Post Fordizm'de Üretim  Esnekleşirken İşçiye Neler Oluyor?, Birleşik Metal-İş Sendikası Yayınları (Full Text)

Nathan Rosenberg, “Sources of Innovation in Developing Economies: Reflections on the Asian Experience”, the Herrera Lecture at the Institute for New Technology, Maastricht, The Netherlands, September 26, 2002.

Bilim ve Teknoloji Dosyası, TMMOB Ölçü Dergisi, Bilim ve Teknoloji Özel Sayısı, Aralık 2005  (Full Text)

H. Chang, A. Cheema,  “Political And Institutional Aspects Of Technology Policy Design And Implementation In Developing, Countries”, INTECH, International Workshop: The Political Economy of Technology in Developing Countries, Isle of Thorns Training Centre, Brighton, 8-9 October 1999

Ar-Ge ve İnovasyon: Sistemin Değiştirilme Çabası, TMMOB Ölçü Dergisi, Mayıs 2008, (Full Text)

J. Ahrens,Governance And The Implementation Of Technology Policy In Less Developed Countries”, International Workshop: The Political Economy Of Technology in Developing Countries, Isle Of Thorns Training Centre, Brighton, 8-9 October 1999

TÜBİTAK, Vizyon 2023 (Full Text)

S,  Mani , “Public Innovation Policies and Developing Countries In a Phase of  Economic Liberalisation”  The United Nations University, INTECH Discussion Papers, Oct. 1999 

 Uğur Eser, Dünya sanayiye Yeniden Dönerken Türkiye Dünya Sanayiinin Neresinde?, İktisat ve Toplum, Sayı.45, 2014 (Full Text)

Kumar, Government Intervention in Developing Countries: Why and How? İnternet

  TÜSİAD, Türkiye'nin Küresel Rekabetçiliği İçin Bir Gereklilik Olarak Sanayi 4.0, Mart 2016
Yayın No: TÜSİAD-T/2016-03/576, 2016 
(Full Text)

Sanjaya Lall, “Turkish Performance in Exporting Manufactures: A Comparative Structural Analysis” QEH Working Paper Series Working Paper Number 47, 2000.


Paulo N. Figueiredo, Beyond technological catch-up: An empirical investigation of further innovative capability accumulation outcomes in latecomer firms with evidence from Brazil,  INTECH Discussion Paper Series, 2013-048

*Seçimlik okumaların tamamını Google üzerinden basit bir aramayla Internet ortamından temin etmek mümkündür.

Öğr. Üyesi: Prof. Dr. Alkan SOYAK

Hacer K. Ansal, Alkan Soyak, “Impact of Privatization on R&D Activities: The Case of Turkish Telecommunications Industry”, Civilazition, Modern Technology and Sustainable Development, The 8th International Conference on Management of Technology, Conference Proceedings, IAMOT, 1999

Yakup Kepenek, “Some Technological Aspects of The Turkish Manufacturing Exports  During the 1990’s” , INTECH Workshop

Mingqian Zhang & Pierre Mohnen, Innovation and survival of new firms in Chinese manufacturing, 2000-2006, INTECH Discussion Paper Series, 2013-057

Shulin Gu, “Toward an Analytic Framework for National Innovation Systems”, INTECH Discussion Paper Series,  April 1996

Elena Arias Ortiz, Gustavo Crespi, Ezequiel Tacsir, Fernando Vargas & Pluvia Zuniga, Innovation for economic performance: The case of Latin American firms, INTECH Discussion Paper Series, 2013-028