[CWC logo] C - Keywords


C is a relatively small language which uses only 32 keywords. Many of these will be covered in the course but for reference purposes the list of keywords is as follow:

auto		double		int		struct
break		else		long		switch
case		enum		register	typedef
char		extern		return		union
const		float		short		unsigned
continue	for		signed		void
default		goto		sizeof		volatile
do		if		static		while

Many of the keywords listed above will be covered on this course. However, some have either limited use or are only used in advanced programming. Such keywords are highlighted above where a brief desciption of their use is offered.

[Leicester University] [] Computer Centre
Information Suppliers: Richard Mobbs, Head of Information Services, Leicester University Computer Centre and Marina Carter, Postgraduate Student, Leicester University Computer Centre.
Last Updated: August 1995