Akademic Studies
* Baspinar, U., Senyurek, V., Y., Dogan, B., Varol, H., S., “A comparative study of denoising sEMG signals”, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences , (Acceptance Date: 21/01/2013, DOI: 10.3906/elk-1210-4)
* Erdal, H., Doğan, B., “Experiment-Based Determination of DC Motor Parameters And Optimization of Parameter Determination Results”, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Arcchitecture of Gazi University , Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 589-598, 2012.
* Erdal, H., Ersoy, S., Dogan, B., "Remote Access Control Laboratory Implementation: Academic Success Analysis ", The 6th International Computer and Instructional Technologies Symposium, ICITS2012, Gaziantep, Türkiye, 03-05 October, 2012.
* Erdal, H., Dogan, B., Buldu, A., “Realtime parameter estimation, calibration and simulation of a DC motor”, Technics Technologies Education Management , TTEM Vol.6 No. 3, ISSN: 978-3-540-78138-7, pp. 606-614, 2011.
* Onat, M., Dogan, B., Abanoz, H., “Telemeter Application: Online Monitor and Control of an Open-Field Convertor over GPRS”, 2nd International Symposium on Computing in Science & Engineering, ISCSE2011, pp. 251-253, June, 2011.
* Doğan, B., Goker, I., Baslo, M., B., Erdal, H., Ulgen, Y., “Taramalı EMG Yönteminin Otomasyonu için Arayüz Tasarımı”, Proceedings of 2009 14th National Biomedical Engineering Meeting BIYOMUT, IEEE 978-1-4244-3605-7, 2009.
* Göker, İ., Doğan, Baslo, M., B., Ertaş, M., Ülgen, Y., “Design of an Experimental System for Scanning EMG Method to Investigate Alterations of Motor Units in Neurological Disorders”, Proceedings of 14th National Biomedical Engineering Meeting BIYOMUT, IEEE 978-1-4244-3605-7, 2009.
* Erdal, H., Doğan, B., Taşkın, S., “Computer Based DC Motor Parameter Identification, Simulation and Parameter Estimation”, 5. International Advanced Technologies Symposium, Karabuk University, IATS'09, pp. 26-27, 13-15 May, 2009.
* Doğan, B., Erdal, H., “System Control Through the Internet and a Remote Access Laboratory Implementation”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 4823, ISBN: 978-3-540-78138-7, pp. 532-541, March, 2008.
* Dogan B., Erdal H., "System Control through the Internet and a Remote Access Laboratory Implementation ", The 6th International Conference on Web-based Learning ICWL2007, Edinburgh - United Kingdom, August, 2007.
* Erdal, H., Dogan, B., "MATLAB/Simulink Response Optimization Araci (ROA) ile Kontrolör Katsayilarinin Belirlenmesi", Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantisi ve Sergisi, TOK2013, Malatya, Türkiye, 26-28 Eylül, 2013.
* Dogan B., Erdal H., "Uzaktan Erisimli Laboratuvar Uygulamalari Için Yazilim Tasarimi ", National Technical Education, Engineering and Education Science Young Researchers Symposium UMES2007, Kocaeli, June, 2007.
* Dogan, B., Senyürek, V., Y., “Akilli Damper”,ST Otomasyon Dergisi, Alternatif Yayincilik, Sayi: 60, p.p. 116-119, Aralik, 2013.
* Dogan, B., Senyürek, V., Y., “Elektronik Denge Kontrol Modülü (EDKM)”, Otomasyon Dergisi, Bilesim Yay. A.S., Sayi: 250, p.p. 368-370, Nisan, 2013.
* Utkan, M., Bayar, H., Dogan, B., “1930'lu Yillarin Teknolojisine Sahip Bir Model Tren Kurgusunun Bilgisayar ile Otomasyonu”, Otomasyon Dergisi, Bilesim Yay. A.S., Sayi: 225, p.p. 220-228, Mart, 2011.