B. Can
Dynamics and Variation of Regional Firm Formation - Case of Turkey
2010 (Supervisor:
A. Suut Doğruel)
This dissertation aims to scrutinize the regional inequalities in
Turkey from the view point of location choice of production.
Location choice of production, measured by the number of new firms
in different industries, is examined and its variation is explained
by focusing on the social and economical properties of provinces.
Theoretical insights offered by new economics of geography as well
as contemporary discussion of knowledge based entrepreneurial models
are used. Preliminary results about the variation of new firm start
ups indicate that location choice of production is unequal among the
geography of Turkey. The unequal dispersion of firm formation is
linked with the regional differences via different panel data
models. Overall findings of the dissertation confirm that local
demand, financial development and human capital quality act as pull
effects for the location choice of production. Meanwhile additional
findings indicate that industrial interactions are not existent,
that the firms in specific industries prefer to locate close to same
industries. Finally further impact of spatial autocorrelation as
well as role of geography is observed. Results validate that there
is increasing spatial heterogeneity in location choice of
production; leaving developed provinces more developed and less
developed provinces less developed in terms of firm formation. This
finding is also confirmed by investigation of the role of geography;
that production prefers to locate in high market access areas of the
western geography of Turkey. In general results of the dissertation
pinpoints that, dispersion of the location choice of production is
unequal among the provinces of Turkey and this dispersed picture
shares the common pattern realized in regional inequalities in