Dr. M. Sakalli.




Communications, EE, ITU, Ist, Tr

MS, xPh.D. Bogazici Univ. Ist, Tr

PhD, EIE, University of Sydney NSW, Au

Postdoctoral work, ECSE, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY.

Other academic positions held, and visits..

The HK Polytechnic University, HK,

City University of HK, HK,

IT, Sydney Univ. NSW Au.


... that education and innovation will be the currency of the 21st century...

US President, Barack Obama


Discovering Music Library of BBC, There below somewhere click Antonin Dvorak's masterpieces: Cello Concerto, symphonies 9, 7, new world..

RTE lyrics, SBS, BBC London, and World Service

New York Philharmonic, Philadelphia, London, Dublin, Berlin




Freedom in a cage.. ..




Courses taught. 2009-Spr

CSE466 Int to Cryptology

CSE246 Analysis of algorithms..

2009-10 Autumn

CSE 546 Bioinformatics

Math 255 Differential Equations

2010 Spr

CSE246 Analysis of Algorithms.

CSE511 Cryptology

2011, .

CSE 746 Bioinformatics

Math 255 Differential Equations 10

Math 255 Differential Equations 11

2011-12, Spr.

CSE 711 Cryptology

CSE 706 Advanced Algorithms

CSE 811 Graph Theory

2012-13, Fall.

Math 255 Differential Equations 12

CSE 746 BioInformatics

2012-13, Spr.

CSE 711 Cryptology: Classical Crypto with RSA attack on focus

CSE 706 Advanced Algos: Look at my previous course materials in anaysis

CSE 811 Graph Theory: Look at my previous course materials of gt

2015-16, Fall.

CSE 483 Computer Graphics

CSE 746 Bioinformatics

CSE 811 Graph Theory

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