A . Suut Doğruel                                 

Marmara University, Department of Economics 



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Marmara University
Department of Economics

A. Suut Doğruel
2017-2018, Spring
e-mail: suut.dogruel@marmara.edu.tr

ECON 4072 Economic Growth

Room: A107, Thursday 13.00-15.50
Office Hours: Wednesday 10.30-12.30

One of the puzzles in economics is to find a proper answer to the question of why some countries grow faster than the others. The purpose of the course is to survey the theoretical contributions to solve this puzzle. Main topics are basic Solow model, technology and economic growth, AK models, and growth policy.

Main text:
Charles I. JONES and Dietrich VOLLRATH, 2013, An Introduction to Economic Growth, Third Edition, W. W. Norton.
Additional readings:
David H. WEIL, 2009, Economic Growth, Second Edition, Pearson.


1. Introduction and Overview

2.  Facts and Fundamentals (Jones and Vollrath, 2013, Chap.1; Weil, 2009, Chap. 1 and 2, pp.2-23 and 30-38)

3. Basic Solow Model (Jones and Vollrath, 2013, Chap.2)

4. Solow Model with Technological Change (Jones and Vollrath, 2013, Chap.2)

5. Solow Model with Human Capital (Jones and Vollrath, 2013, Chap.3)

6. Research, Technology and Growth - I (Jones and Vollrath, 2013, Chap.4)

7. Research, Technology and Growth - II (Jones and Vollrath, 2013, Chap.5)

8. Diffusion of Technology and Social Infrastructure (Jones and Vollrath, 2013, Chap.6 and 7)

9. Population and Economic Growth (Jones and Vollrath, 2013, Chap.8)

10. AK Models:  Endogenous growth (Jones and Vollrath, 2013, Chap.9)


Midterm (40%)
Final (60%)