Kayaman, N., Kazan, D., Erarslan, A., Okay, O., Baysal, B., “Application Number: TR96 / 00295, Production of Temperature Sensitive Gel Beads for Concentrating Dilute solutions of Biological Materials” T.C. Turkish patent Institute, Acception date: 03/01/1997. 




Ø  Sayar, N.A., Pinar, O., Kazan, D. Sayar, A.A.  (2017) Bioethanol Production From Turkish Hazelnut Husk Process Design and Economic Evaluation., Waste Biomass Valorization. 10.1007/s12649-017-0103-y

Ø  Pinar, O., Karaosmanoğlu, K., Sayar, N.A. Kula. C., Kazan, D., Sayar, A.A. (2017). Assessment of hazelnut husk as a lignocellulosic feedstock for the production of fermentable sugars and lignocellulolytic enzymes.,  3 Biotech, 7: 367.

Ø  Sahin, Y.M.,  Su, S., Ozbek, B.,  Yücel, S., Pinar, O., Kazan,D.,  Oktar, F.N., Ekren, N., Gunduz, O. (2017) Production and characterization of electrospun fish sarcoplasmic protein based nanofibers. Journal of food engineering.

Ø  Dilara Ayyildiz, Kazim Yalcin Arga, Fatma Gizem Avci, Fatma Ece Altinisik, Caglayan Gurer, Gizem Gulsoy Toplan, Dilek Kazan, Katharina Wozny, Britta Brügger, Bulent Mertoglu, Berna Sariyar Akbulut (2017). Transcriptomic analysis displays the effect of (-)-roemerine on the motility and nutrient uptake in Escherichia coli. Curr Genet. DOI 10.1007/s00294-016-0673-4

Ø  Nilay Budeyri Gokgoz, Fatma Gizem Avci, Kubra Karaosmanoglu Yoneten, Begum Alaybeyoglu, Elif Ozkirimli, Nihat Alpagu Sayar, Dilek Kazan, and Berna Sariyar Akbulut (2016). Response of Escherichia coli to Prolonged Berberine Exposure. Microbial Drug Resistance. DOI: 10.1089/mdr.2016.0063

Ø  Coskun, A., Baykal, A.T., Kazan, D., et al. Proteomic Analysis of Kidney Preservation Solutions Prior to Renal Transplantation (2016). PLOS ONE, accepted for publication.

Ø  Kori, M, Aydın, B., Unal, S., Arga, K.Y., Kazan, D., (2016) Metabolic Biomarkers and Neurodegeneration: A Pathway Enrichment Analysis of Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, OMICS A Journal of Integrative Biology, 20 (11), DOI: 10.1089/omi.2016.0106

Ø  Bal, E., Pinar, O., Kazan, D., Ozturk, H.U., Sayar, A.A., (2016) Immobilization of alpha-amylase from Bacillus subtilis SDP1 isolated from the Rhizosphere of Acacia cyanophila Lindey, Electronic Journal of Biology, 12:2, 115-121.

Ø  Ceylan,S.,Kazan,D., (2015) Pyrolysis kinetics and thermal characteristics of microalgae Nannochloropsis oculata and Tetraselmis sp., Bioresource Technology. 187, 7 / 2015, 10.1016/j.biortech.2015.03.081

Ø  Öztürk, H.U. , Sariyar Akbulut, B. , Ayan, B. , Poli, A. , Denizci, A.A. , Utkan, G. , Nicolaus, B., Kazan, D. (2015) Moderately Halophilic Bacterium Halomonas sp. AAD12: A Promising Candidate as a Hydroxyectoine Producer. J Microb Biochem Technol., 7, 262-268, 

Ø  Dilgimen, A.S., Arga, K.Y., Erdmann, V.A., Wittmann-Liebold, B., Denizci, A.A. and Kazan, D. (2014) Comparison of Protein Expression Profiles of Novel Halomonas smyrnensis AAD6Tand Halomonas salina DSMZ 5928T. Natural Science, 6, 628-640.

Ø  Sayar, N.A., Durmaz-Sam, S., Kazan, D., Sayar, A.A., (2014) Schizosaccharomyces pombe and its Ni(II)-insensitive mutant GA1in Ni(II) uptake from aqueous solutions: a biodynamic model, Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, DOI 10.1007/s00253-014-5740-5

Ø  Duman, Y., Kazan, D., Denizci, A.A., Erarslan, A., (2014) Water Miscible Mono Alcohols’ Effect on the Proteolytic Performance of Bacillus clausii Serine Alkaline Protease, Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 172, 469-486, DOI 10.1007/s12010-013-0525-3

Ø  Poli, A., Nicolaus, B., Denizci, A.A., Yavuzturk, B., Kazan, D., (2013) Halomonas smyrnensis sp. nov., a moderately halophilicexopolysaccharide-producing bacterium from Çamaltı Saltern Area, Turkey Int J Syst EvolMicrobiol, 63, 10-18 ijs.0.037036-0;, doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.037036-0

Ø  Öztürk, N.C., Kazan, D., Denizci, A.A., Erarslan, A., (2012) The influence of copper on alkaline protease stability toward autolysis and thermal inactivation, Eng. Life Sci., 12, No. 5, 1–10 1

Ø  Ceylan, S., Yilan, G., Sarıyar-Akbulut, B., Kazan, D., (2012) Interplay of adaptive capabilities of halomonas sp. AAD12 under salt stress. J. Bioscience and Bioeng. In press

Ø   Uzyol K.S., Sarıyar-Akbulut, B., Denizci, A.A., Kazan, D., (2012) Thermostable alpha amylase from moderately halophilic Halomonas sp. AAD21. Turk. J. Biol., doi:10.3906/biy-1106-7.

Ø  Ceylan,S., Sarıyar-Akbulut, B., Denizci, A.A., Kazan, D., (2011) Proteomic insight into phenolic adaptation of a moderately halophilic Halomonas sp. Strain AAD12. Can. J. Microbiol., 57: 295-302

Ø  Ozbalci, C., Unsal, C.,Kazan, D., Sarıyar-Akbulut, B., (2010) Proteomic Responses of Esherichia coli to the alkaloid extract of Papaver polychaetum. Ann Microbiol, 60: 709-717

Ø   Denizci A.A., Kazan D., Erarslan .A., (2009) Bacillus marmarensis sp. nov., an alkaliphilic, protease-producing bacterium isolated from mushroom compost., IJSEM., doi:ijs.0.012369-0

Ø  Oturk, D., Kazan, D., Denizci, A.A., Grimoldi, D., Secundo, F., Erarslan, A., (2009) Water Miscible Mono Alcohols Effect on the Structural Conformation of Bacillus clausii GMBAE 42 Serine Alkaline Protease,Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic doi:10.1016/j.molcatb.2009.02.017    

Ø  Öztürk, S., Morgan-Özeren, M., Salman-Dilgimen,A., Denizci, A.A.,S Arıkan, B., Kazan, D., (2009) Alkaline serine protease from halotolerant Bacillus licheniformis BA17, Annals Microbiology, 59 (1) 1-8

Ø  Kazan D., Bal H., Denizci A.A., Ozturk N.C., Ozturk U., Dilgimen A.S., Ozturk D.C., Erarslan .A., STUDIES ON ALKALINE SERINE PROTEASE PRODUCEDBY Bacillus clausii GMBE 22, Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Accepted for publication, ISSN: 1082-6068 print/1532-2297 online, DOI: 10.1080/10826060902953269

Ø  Sarıyar, B., Dilgimen Salman, A., Ceylan, S., Perk, S., Denizci, A., Kazan, D., RAPID METABOLOME ANALYSIS: Preliminary phenotypic characterization of newly isolated microorganisms by footprinting, Archieves Microbiology, 2008, 189, 19-26

Ø  Yagız, F., Kazan, D., Akin, N.A., Biodiesel production from waste oils by using lipase immobilized on hydrotalcite and zeolites,  Chemical Engineering Journal Volume 134, Issues 1-31 November 2007Pages 262-267

Ø  Ates, O., Toksoy Oner, E., Arıkan, B., Denzci, A.A., Kazan, D., (2007) Isolation And Identification Of Alkaline Protease Producer Halotolerant  Bacillus licheniformis Strain BA17, Annals Microbiology, 57 (3),369-375

Ø  Kazan, D., Denizci, A., Kerimak, Ö.M.N.,  Erarslan, A., “Purification and characterization of a serine alkaline protease from Bacilllus clausii GMBAE42” J.Ind. Microbiol Biotechnology, 32, 335-344 (2005)

Ø  Denizci, A., Kazan, D., AbelnE. C. A., Erarslan, A., Newly ısolated Bacillus clausii GMBAE42: an alkaline protease producer capable to grow under higly alkaline conditions”, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Journal of Applied Microbiology,96, 320-327 (2004)                                                                  

Ø  Cokuner Öztürk, D., Kazan, D., Erarslan, A., Stabilization and functional properties of Esherichia coli penicillin G acylase by cocalent conjugation of anionic polisaccaride carboxymethylcellulase, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology,18, 881-888(2002)                                                               

Ø  Ercelen, S., Kazan, D., Erarslan, A., Demchenko, A.P., On the exiced-state energy transfer between tryptophan residues in proteins: the case of penicillin acylase, Biophysical Chenmistry, 90, 203-217 (2001)                                                   

Ø  Kazan, D., Erarslan, A., The identification of catalytically essential amino acid residues of penicillin G acylase obtained from a mutant of  Esherichia coli ATCC 11105, Process Biochemistry, 36, 861-867, (2001) 

Ø  Kazan, D., Erarslan, A., Effect of dextrans polymers on the stability of soluble Escherichia coli penicillin G acylase., J. Chem. Tech. Biotech.,74, 1157-1164, (1999)      

Ø  Kayaman, N.,Kazan, D., Erarslan, A., Okay, O., Structure and protein separation efficiency of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) gels: Effect of synthesis conditions., J. Appl. Polymer Sci., 67, 805-814, (1998).

Ø  Kazan, D., Ertan, H., Erarslan, A., Stabilization of Escherichia coli penicillin G acylase against thermal inactivation by cross-linking with dextran-dialdehyde polymers., Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 48, 191-197, (1997).                                                

Ø  Ertan, H., Kazan, D., Erarslan, A., Cross-linked stabilization of Escherichia coli penicillin G acylase against pH by dextran-dialdehyde polymers., Biotechnology Techniques, 11, 225-229, (1997).                                                                                                

Ø  Kazan, D., Erarslan, A., Stabilization of Escherichia coli penicillin G acylase by polyethylene glycols against thermal inactivation., Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol., 62, 1-13, (1997).                                                                                                                  

Ø  Kazan, D., Erarslan, A., Influence of polyhydric compounds on the pH stability of penicillin G acylase obtained from a mutant of Escherichia coli ATCC 11105., Process Biochemistry, 31, 691-697, (1996).                                                         

Ø  Kazan, D., Ertan, H., Erarslan, A., Stabilisation of penicillin G acylase against pH by chemical cross-linking., Process Biochemistry, 31, 135-140, (1996).              

Ø  Kazan, D., Çamurdan, A., and Hortaçsu, A., The Effect of Glucose Concentration on the Growth Rate and some Intracellular Components of a Recombinant Escherichia coli Culture., Process Biochemistry, 30, 269-273, (1995)     



Ø  Coskuner Ozturk, D., Erarslan’ A., Kazan, D. “Esherichia coli penisislin asilazının CMC konjugasyonuyla pH stabilizasyonu İTÜ Dergisi, Fen Bilimleri, 1, 3-10, 2002     

Ø  Kazan, D., Ceylan, S., Unal, S., A. Alp Sayar, “Tarımsal Atıklardan Biyoetanol ÜretimiBiyoyakıt Dünyası, Sayı:1, 73-74, 2006                                     




Ø  Altinisik, F.E.,  Kazan D. , B. Sariyar Akbulut. Adaptation of B. marmarensis Sp Nov To Extreme Alkaline Conditions. 7th Congress of European Microbiologists (FEMS),9-13 July 2017, Valencia, Spain

Ø  A.Uras, O.Pinar, A.Sayar, D.Kazan, A.A.Sayar. Growth Medium Optimization of Cryptococcus albidus D24 lipase by statistical design of experiments. 42nd FEBS CONGRESS: FROM MOLECULES TO CELLS AND BACK, 10-14 September 2017 Jerusalem, Israel

Ø  Su, S., Ozbek, B., Sahin, Y.M., Yucel, S., Kazan, D., Oktar, F.N., Ekren, N., Gunduz, O., Process Optimization of Electrospun Fish Sarcoplasmic Protein Based Nanıfibers.,  Barcelona, Spain., 17-18 August 2017

Ø  Yilmaz-Serçinoğlu, Z., Sayar, N.A., Kazan, D. Production of laccase and cellulases by pycnoporus sanguineus (dmsz 3024) using hazelnut husk .FEMS 2017 - 7th Congress of European Microbiologists (FEMS), 9-13 Temmuz 2017, Valencia, İspanya

Ø  Abdussamed, U., Sayar, N.A., Kazan, D., Sayar’ A.A.  (2016).  Immobilization of Cryptococcus albidus D24 Lipase for enzymatic esterification.  FEBS, 283

Ø  Tugba’ Ö.,  Gülnihal, B., Şirin’ B.,  Çimenoğlu  Ç., (2016).  Utiization of PHB from Bacillus marmarensis GMBE 72T  DSMZ21297  as scaffold.  FEBS, 283

Ø  Kaplan Coban, E., Gencoğlu,  C., Kirman, D.C., Pinar, O., ,Denizci, A.A.,  Kazan, D., Sayar, A.A. (2015).  Assessment of the effects of medium composition on growth  lipid accumulation and lipid profile of Chlorella vulgaris as a biodiesel feedstock.  4th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications

Ø  Altinisik    FE,    Avci  FG,    Denizci      AA,    Kazan       D, Sariyar Akbulut      B. Investigation of     the   proteom   profile       of alkaliphilic    B.     marmarensis    sp    nov  under        different   pH    conditions. FEBS-IUBMB WORKSHOP Biointeractomics Sevilla-Spain,       May 17-20,         2016.

Ø  Ayyıldız, D.,        Avcı, F.G., Arga, K.Y.,          Budeyri Gokgoz, N.,   Sayar, N.A.,        Kazan, D., Wozny, K.,          Bruegger, B.,      Sariyar      Akbulut, B.         The   plant derived      alkaloid roemerine is involved        in     the   modulation       of     motility     in     Escherichia      coli. The  60th Annual      Meeting    of     the   Biophysical       Society. 27        February   – 2 March 2016 Los Angeles, CA-USA.

Ø  Yılmaz Z., Pinar O., Sayar N. A., Kazan D. (2015). Optimization of process parameters for enzymatic hydrolysis of hazelnut husk. BEC 2015 VII. Bioengineering Congress, 19-21 November 2015, İzmir-Turkey.

Ø  Ozgoren, T., Pinar, O., H.U., Kazan, D., (2015) Response of the Bacillus marmarensis GMBE 72T to extrem conditions: Poly(3hydroxybutyrate), FEBS Journal 282 (Suppl.1) (2015) 55; Special Issue: 40th FEBS Congress, The Biochemical Basis of Life, Berlin, Germany, July 4-9, 2015 

Ø  Ozgoren, T., Pinar, O., Denizci, A.A., Utkan, G., Kazan, D., Effect of Different Carbon Sources on the Production of Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) , PHB from Bacillus marmarensis GMBE 72T, BEC 2015 VII. Bioengineering Congress, 19-21 November 2015, İzmir-Turkey

Ø  Bal, E., Ozturk, H.U., Kazan, D., (2014) Investigation of the kinetic parameters of extracellular alpha-amylase from Bacillus subtilis SDP1 immobilised on alginate beads, ProtStab2014, 10th International Congference on Protein Stabilization, 7-9 May 2014, Stresa, Italy

Ø  Budeyri     Gokgoz, N.,        Wozny, K., Kazan, D., Brügger, B.,        Sariyar      Akbulut, B.         Getting an insight       into  the   antibacterial      activity      of     the   plant         derived         alkaloid     (-)-roemerine     against E. coli cells. 39th FEBS-EMBO        Conference.       30 August-4       Septemeber,      2014 Paris,         France.

Ø  Karaosmanoğlu K, PİNAR O, SAYAR N.A, Kazan D, (2013) Hydrolysis of Hazelnut Husk by Using Commercial Enzymes for the Production of Fermentable Sugar, 6th International Bioengineering Congress (BEC2013), 12 – 15 November, 2013,Aydın-Turkey.

Ø  Ozturk H. U, Denizci A.A., Utkan G., Kazan, D., (2013) Application of magnetic alginate beads in both in bioseperation and immobilization of Bacillus subtilis SDP1 α-amylase,Nano TR9, 24-28 Haziran 2013, Erzurum

Ø  Başak       Koçhan,    Berna        Sarıyar      Akbulut,    Prof. Dr.     Dilek Kazan.       Investigation     of      Osmoadaptation        Strategy    of     a       New  Moderately        Halophilic Halomonas smyrnensis        AAD6T Industrial        Biotechnology:  meeting    the    challenges. 12-13      September         2013,         Medicon    Village,      Lund,         Sweden.

Ø  Budeyri     Gokgoz, N,         Kazan, D., Sariyar      Akbulut, B.        Deciphering      the    antimicrobial     alkaloid     action        on     E.      coli TB1.   ICSB2013, The  14th International Conference       on    Systems   Biology.    30    AUGUST   - 3    September        2013,         Copenhagen.

Ø  Coskun, D. Kazan, M. Akgoz, A. T. Baykal, I. Berber,G. Bilsel3, M. O. Senal, K. Karaosmanoglu, I. Aksoy and C. Yazici, Proteomic evaluation of preservation solutions prior to kidney transplantation, FEBS JOURNAL, Volume 279, pp: 235, Issue Supplement s1,Special Issue: 22nd IUBMB & 37th FEBS Congress, Seville, Spain, September 4-9, 2012

Ø  Ayan, B. Sariyar Akbulut and D. Kazan, Growth and osmolyte distribution of a moderately halophilic microorganism in the presence of phenol, FEBS JOURNAL, Volume 279, pp: 268, Issue Supplement s1,Special Issue: 22nd IUBMB & 37th FEBS Congress, Seville, Spain, September 4-9, 2012

Ø  N. Budeyri, D. Kazan and B. S. Akbulut, Investigation of the antimicrobial effect of an alkaloid from Papaver rhoeas K, FEBS JOURNAL, Volume 279, pp: 252, Issue Supplement s1,Special Issue: 22nd IUBMB & 37th FEBS Congress, Seville, Spain, September 4-9, 2012

Ø  Burak Ayan, Berna Sariyar Akbulut, Annarita Poli, Umit Ozturk, Nurcin Celik Ozturk, A. Akin Denizci, Guldem Utkan, Dilek Kazan Osmoadaptation of a moderately halophilic microorganisms under cold stress, New Biotechnology, Volume 29, Supplement, Pages S55 (23–26 September 2012)

Ø  Yonca Avcı Duman, Hatice Korkmaz, Burhan Arikan, Sadık Dinçer, A. Akın Denizci, Berna Sarıyar Akbulut, Dilek Kazan, Altan Erarslan Purification and characterization of a thermo and acid-stable endo-1,3-1,4-β-glucanase from Bacillus amyliquefaciens YMNg47, New Biotechnology, Volume 29, Supplement, Pages S-80-81 (23–26 September 2012)

Ø  Melis S. Sogut, Nurcin C. Ozturk, H. Umit Ozturk, Orkun Pinar, Fatih M. Ipek, Ebru Cayir, Abdulmecit Gokce, Deniz Karasu, Dilek C. Ozturk, Yavuz Ozturk, A. Akin Denizci, Bengu Ozturk, Banu Bahar, Naze G. Avci, Burak Ayan, Dilek Kazan, Yonca A. Duman, Sayit Sargin, Sevket Karacanli, Cengizhan Mizrak, et al.Production  of industrial enzymes for feed industry New Biotechnology, Volume 29, Supplement, Pages S108 (23–26 September 2012)

Ø  H. Umit Ozturk, Nurcin Celik Ozturk, Annarita Poli, Barbara Nicolaus, Burak Ayan, A. Akin Denizci, Guldem Utkan, Berna Sariyar Akbulut, Dilek Kazan, (2012) Adaptive changes in the lipid distribution of a moderately halophilic microorganism under salt stress, New Biotechnology, Volume 29, Supplement, Pages S147 (23–26 September 2012)

Ø  Coskun, A., Kazan, D., Akgöz, M., Berber, İ., Yazıcı, C., Bilsel, G., Karaosmanoglu, K., Sahin, J., Proteomics Profiling of Preservation Solution Prior to Renal Transplantation ‘5th Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference, Prag, 19-21 September 2011 (Best poster award),

Ø  Ceylan, S., Ozbalcı, C., Akbulut, B.S., Kazan, D., Proteomics in Industrial Biotechnology Current Opinion in Biotechnology, Vol. 22, 28, European Biotechnology Congress, 2011 Istanbul

Ø  Öztürk, H.Ü., Utkan, G., Denizci, A.A., Kazan, D., Fast Biosynthesis of Silver and gold nanoparticles by microwave radiation, (P1.D.56), Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference June 27 - July 1, 2011 Sabancı University, İstanbul - Turkey

Ø  Karaosmanoglu K., Kazan D., Akbulut B.S.,. Proteomic Analysis of the Effect of Berberine on Escherichia coli. Mass Spectrometry in Biotechnology and Medicine. Dubrovnik, Croatia, from 3-9 July 2011.

Ø  Ceylan S, Yılan G., Akbulut B.S., Kazan, D., Analysis of the osmolyte strategy of the moderately halophilic Halomonas sp. AAD12. The 12th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), 28 August-1 September 2011, Heildelberg/Mannheim, Germany.

Ø  Çağakan Özbalcı, Kübra Karaosmanoğlu, Işıl Aksan Kurnaz, Dilek Kazan, Berna Sarıyar Akbulut. Comparative Transcriptome and Proteome Analysis for the Effect of Berberine. 35th FEBS Congress - Molecules of life. June 26 – July. 1, 2010 Gothenburg, Sweden.

Ø  Mangaoğlu H, Avcı N.G., Akbulut B.S., Kazan, D.. Optimization of cellulase production by newly isolated Bacillus sp.35th FEBS Congress - Molecules of life. June 26 – July. 1, 2010 Gothenburg, Sweden

Ø  H. Umit Ozturk, Serkan Uzyol, A. Akin Denizci, Sadık Dincer, Ayse Ogan, Altan Erarslan, Dilek Kazan, “Amylase and Cellulase Producer Bacillus Strain Isolated From Rhizosphere of Acacia Cyanophylla Lindley”, Vth International Bioengineering Congress, 16-19 Haziran 2010, İzmir-Türkiye

Ø  Ceylan, S., Akbulut, B.S., Kazan, D. Proteome analysis of moderately halophilic bacteria response to oxygen limitation (poster no: B1.24), 35. FEBS Congress, Molecules of Life, 26 Haziran-1 Temmuz 2010, Göteborg, Sweeden

Ø  Özbalcı, Ç., Ünsan, Ç., Kazan, D., Akbulut, B.S.,Proteomic approach to elucidate  antimicrobial effect of Papaver polychetum alkaloids,  34th FEBS Congress, Prague, Çek Cumhuriyeti, 4-9 Temmuz 2009

Ø  Ozturk, H.U., Denizci, A.A., Dincer,S., Ogan, A., Erarslan, A., Kazan, D.,Phythase from Bacillsu strain isolated from rhizosphere of Acacia cyanophylla Lindley, 34th FEBS Congress, Prague, cek Cumhuriyeti, 4-9 Temmuz 2009

Ø  Ceylan, S., Akbulut, B.S., Kazan, D., Investigation of the osmoprotection adn cold adadptataion of Halomonas halophila 4770 by Proteomics, 34th FEBS Congress, Prague, cek Cumhuriyeti, 4-9 Temmuz 2009

Ø  Ceylan, S., Akbulut, B.S., Kazan, D., Proteom Analyses of the responses to phenol concentration variations in moderately halophilşic bacteria Halomonas sp. MU12, International Conferance on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology (BioMicroWorld2009) Lisbon (Portugal) 2-4 Aralık 2009

Ø  Ozturk, H.U., Denizci, A.A., Dincer,S., Ogan, A., Erarslan, A., Kazan, D., Production and characterization of thermostable phythase from Bacillus strain isolated from rhizosphere of Acacia cyanophylla Lindley,International Conferance on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology (BioMicroWorld2009) Lisbon (Portugal) 2-4 Aralık 2009

Ø  Özbalcı, Ç., Ünsan, Ç., Kazan, D., Akbulut, B.S., Berberine vs. P. Polychaetum alkaloit extract for antimicrobial activity, International Conferance on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology (BioMicroWorld2009) Lisbon (Portugal) 2-4 Aralık 2009

Ø  CEYLAN S., DİLGİMEN A.S., AKBULUT B.S, KAZAN D.,Preliminary Identification of Moderately Halophilic Microorganisms by MALDI-Tof Mass SpectrometerIUMS2008 (International Union of Microbiological Society) International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology  5-9 Ağustos 2008; İstanbul

Ø  Özbalcı C., Ünsal C., Kazan D., Sariyar-Akbulut B., Proteomic approach to understand antimicrobial effect of Papaver polychaetum alkaloids, International Symposium on Health Informatics and Bioinformatics 2008,İstanbul,

Ø  Öztürk DC, Kazan D, Denizci AA, Grimoldi D, Secundo F, Erarslan A., Effect of Water Miscible Mono Solvents on conformational Structure and stability of Bacillus clausii GMBAE 42 Serine Alkaline Protease. IEES 08 International Enzyme Engineering Symposium 2008, 01-05 October 2008, Kuşadası / TURKEY.

Ø  Öner M.N.K, Denizci A.A., Kazan D and Erarslan A., Purification and characterization of a serine alkaline protease from newly isolated Bacillus sp GMBE 72. IEES 08 International Enzyme Engineering Symposium2008, 01-05 October 2008, Kuşadası / TURKEY.

Ø  Duman YA, Denizci AA, Öztürk DC, Karahan N, Kazan D, Erarslan A. Effect of Solvatochromic parameters of water missible aprotic solvents on kinetic and thermodynamic properties of hydrolysis of Bacillus clausiiGMBAE 42 Serine Alkaline Proteases with caseine. IEES 08 International Enzyme Engineering Symposium 2008, 01-05 October 2008, Kuşadası / TURKEY.

Ø  Duman YA, Denizci AA, Öztürk DC, Karahan N, Kazan D, Erarslan A. Effect of Solvatochromic parameters of water missible mono alcohols on kinetic and thermodynamic properties of hydrolysis of Bacillus clausiiGMBAE 42 Serine Alkaline Proteases with caseine. IEES 08 International Enzyme Engineering Symposium 2008, 01-05 October 2008, Kuşadası / TURKEY.

Ø  Öztürk NÇ, Kazan D, Denizci AA, Erarslan A. Effect of Cu2+ ions on kinetic and thermodynamic properties of Bacillus clausii GMBAE 42 Serine Alkaline Protease. IEES 08 International Enzyme Engineering Symposium 2008, 01-05 October 2008, Kuşadası / TURKEY.

Ø  Uzyol, S., Sarıyar, B., Kazan, D., OPTIMIZATION of alpha-AMYLASE PRODUCTION FROM Halomonas sp. BY USING RESPONCE SURFACE METHODOLOGY (RSM, 13. European Congress on Biotechnology (ECB13), 16-22 September 2007, Barcelona, Spain

Ø  A. S. Dilgimen, D. Kazan, B W Liebold, A. S. Dilgimen, D. Kazan, B W Liebold, A Proteomic Determination of the Whole Cell Proteins in Two Different Halomonas Strains, 16th meetings of Methods in Protein Structural Analysis, 29 August-2 September 2006, Lille, France

Ø  A. S. Dilgimen, D. Kazan, B W Liebold, A Study Of Proteomics For Newly Isolated Halophilic Microorganisms., 31st FEBS Congress., Molecules in Health and Disease, 24-29 June 2006, İstanbul, Türkiye

Ø  B. Sariyer Akbulut, A. Salman Dilgimen, S. Ceylan,, S. Perk, A. A Denizci, D. Kazan., Preliminary Identification Of Moderately Halophilic Microorganisms Through Metabolic Footprinting ., 31st FEBS Congress., Molecules in Health and Disease, 24-29 June 2006, İstanbul, Türkiye

Ø  Yagiz F., Kazan D., Akin A.N.,Bıodıesel Productıon From Waste Oıls By Usıng Lıpase Immobılızed On Hydrotalcıte And Zeolıtes XVII International Conference on Chemical Reactors and post-Symposium “Catalytic Processing of Renewable Sources: Fuel, Energy, Chemicals”15-19 Mayıs 2006, Atina, Yunanistan

Ø  H. Bal, D. Kazan1,2, A.A Denizci, A Erarslan., Partial Purification And Characterisation Of  Alkaline Protease  From Bacillus Clausii Gmbae 22., 31st FEBS Congress., Molecules in Health and Disease, 24-29 June 2006, İstanbul, Türkiye

Ø  M.N. Kerimak Öner , A.A. Denizci, D. Kazan, A. Erarslan., A Serine Alkaline Protease From A Newly Isolated Obligate Alkaliphilic Bacillus GMBAE 72., 31st FEBS Congress., Molecules in Health and Disease, 24-29 June 2006, İstanbul, Türkiye  

Ø  D.Coskuner Ozturk, A.A Denizci, D. Kazan and A Erarslan., The Degradation Of Extracellular Polysaccharides By Using Enterococcus sp. 205b  31st FEBS Congress., Molecules in Health and Disease, 24-29 June 2006, İstanbul, Türkiye

Ø  K. S. Uzyol, B. Sarıyar Akbulut, D. Kazan., Amylase Production From Food Waste by Using Newly Isolated Halomonas Sp., 31st FEBS Congress., Molecules in Health and Disease, 24-29 June 2006, İstanbul, Türkiye

Ø  Özlem Ateş  ,  Dilek Kazan   ,  Ebru Toksoy Öner ,Production Of Alkaline Protease By A Halotolerant Bacillus Pumilus Isolated From Van Lake In Turkey, ECB12 Congress, 21-23 August 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark

Ø  Ceylan, S., Unal, S., Kazan, D., “Hazelnut Shell From Bleack Sea Region as an Alternative Feedstock for Bioethanol production”,  The First UN Global Compact Academic Conference, 30 Mayıs- 1 Haziran, 2004, İstanbul 

Ø  Cokuner Öztürk, D., Kazan, D., Erarslan, A, Extracellular polysaccharides produced by from chipboard production process” The Sixth Italian Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering” 8-11 Haziran 2003 Pisa-Italy (“Chemical Engineering Transactions” dergisi, 2003 Vol.3,1707-1712 basıldı.)                                                        

Ø  Agırdemir, H., Denizci, A., Kazan, D., Erarslan,A., The investigation of the Phenotypic Properties of Bacterial Cultures Isolated from Local Ecosystems able to Produce Industrially Important Enzymes, Balkan Biochemical Biophsical Days and Meeting on Metabolic Disorders 12-15 Ekim 2003, Kuşadası                                              

Ø  Kazan,D., Denizci, A., Kerimak,M., Erarslan,A., Purification and Characterisation of Alkaline Protease from Newly Isolated Bacillus clausii GMBAE 42, Balkan Biochemical Biophsical Days and Meeting on Metabolic Disorders 12-15 Ekim 2003, Kuşadası

Ø  Cokuner Öztürk, D., Kazan, D., Erarslan, A, Stabilization And Functional Properties Of Escherichia Coli Penicillin G Acylase By Covalent Conjugation Of Anionic Polysaccharide Carboxymethylcellulose, 28th FEBS Congress 21-24 October 2002, İstanbul / Turkey                                                                                                    

Ø  Denizci, A.A., Kazan, D., Erarslan, A., 2002. Determination of the catalytic properties of alkaline protease from newly isolated Bacillus sp., 28th FEBS Congress 21-24 October 2002, İstanbul / Turkey        

Ø  Cokuner Öztürk, D., Kazan, D., Erarslan, A., Stabilization of Esherichia coli penicillin G acylase against pH by conjugating with carboxymethylcellulase, Biocatalysis 2002, International Conference, 22-27 June 2002, Moscow,Russia.   

Ø  Kazan, D., Erarslan, A., The identification of catalytically essential amino acid residues of penicillin G acylase obtained from a mutant of Esherichia coli ATCC 11105, Biocatalysis 2000, International Conference, 10-15 June 2000, Moscow,Russia.                 

Ø  Kazan, D., Erarslan, A., Chemical modification of amino acid residues in the active site of penicillin G acylase obtained from a mutant of Esherichia coli ATCC 11105, The First Congress of Balkan Association of Biosciences, 20-24 April 1999, Turkey.  

Ø  Kerimak, M.N., Kazan, D., Erarslan, A., The investigation of the denaturation kinetics of penicillin G acylase obtained from a mutant of Escherichia coli ATCC 11105 in the presence of water miscible organic solvents., Biocatalysis 98 International Conferance, 13-18 June, 1998, Moscow - Russia.                                                               

Ø  Kazan, D., Erarslan, A., Stabilization of Enzyme Proteins by Conjugating with Water Soluble Activated Natural Polymers., First Japanese-Turkish Workshop on Advanced Polymer Systems, 16-19 September 1998, TÜBİTAK, Marmara Research Centre, Gebze-Kocaeli, TURKEY.                                                                                    

Ø  Erçelen, Ş., Erarslan, A., Kazan, D., and Demchenko, A.,Erarslan, A., Structural Stability and Dynamics of Penicillin Acylase Studied by Flourescence Method., First Japanese-Turkish Workshop on Advanced Polymer Systems, 16-19 September 1998, TÜBİTAK, Marmara Research Centre, Gebze-Kocaeli, TURKEY.                              

Ø  Erarslan, A., Kazan, D., Ertan, H., Stabilization of Escherichia coli penicillin G acylase against temperature and pH by dextran-dialdehyde modification., (Poster), 8th European Congress of Biotechnology, Budapest, Hungary, 17-21 August, 1997.                     

Ø  Kazan, D., Ertan, H., Erarslan, A., Stabilization of Escherichia coli penicillin G acylase against temperature and pH in the presence of dextrans., (Poster), 8th European Congress of Biotechnology, Budapest, Hungary, 17-21 August, 1997.  

Ø  Kayaman, N., Kazan, D., Erarslan, A., Okay, O., Baysal, B., Concentration of protein solutions by using temperature sensitive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) gels. "Mediterranean Network of Polymer Science and Technology International Conference on Environmental Impact of Polymeric Materials, 23rd Aharon Katzir-Katchalsky Conference, May 12-16, 1996, Israel.                                                                                           




Ø  Kazan, D., Mikroorganizma Kaynak Merkezleri ve Ülkemiz için Önemi,  VI. Ulusal Moleküler Biyoloji ve Biyoteknoloji Kongresi 05-07 Ekim 2017 Çukurova Üniversitesi Adana (Invited Speaker)

Ø  Kazan, D. “Mikrobiyal Mühendislikte Proteomik Yaklaşımlar"2. Ulusal Proteomik KongresiTuPA 2017 24 – 25 Kasım 2017, Acıbadem Ün., İstanbul (Invited speaker)

Ø  Gülnihal BOZDAĞ, Zeynep Efsun DUMAN, Tilbe GÖKÇE, Dilek KAZAN. Gıda atıklarının alternatif olarak kullanımıKomagataeibacter hansenii DSM 5602 ile bakteriyal selüloz üretimi. VI. Ulusal Moleküler Biyoloji ve Biyoteknoloji Kongresi 05-07 Ekim 2017 Çukurova Üniversitesi Adana

Ø  Özgören, T., Pinar, O., Bozdağ. G., Denizci, A.A., Utkan, G.,  Kazan, D. (2016).  PHB kaynağı Bacillus marmarensis GMBE 72T  DSM 21297 .  VI. Ulusal Polimer Bilim ve Teknolojisi Kongresi

Ø  Kazan, D., Halofilik Bakterilerden Elde Edilen Enzimler, 20. Biyoloji Kongresi, 21-24 Haziran 2010, Denizli, TURKIYE

Ø  Duman Y.A., Denizci A.A., Karahan N., Kazan D.,  Erarslan A., Suyla Karışabilen Organik Çözücüler Varlığında Bacillus clausii GMBAE 42’den Saflaştırılan Serin Alkalen Proteazın Kazein Hidrolizinin Aktivasyon ve İnhibisyon Kinetiklerinin İncelenmesi, XXII Kimya Kongresi, 6-10 Ekim 2008, Magosa, KKTC

Ø  Büdeyri N., Akbulut B.S., Kazan, D., Halomonas sp. MU10’dan beta galaktosidaz Üretiminin Yüzet Yanıt Yöntemi ile Optimizasyonu, Sekizinci Ulusal Kimya Mühendisliği Kongresi, 26-29 Ağustos 2008

Ø  CEYLAN S., DİLGİMEN A.S., AKBULUT B.S, KAZAN D., Ilımlı Halofilik Mikroorganizmaların Maldi Tof Kütle Spektrometresi ile Sınıflandırılması, Sekizinci Ulusal Kimya Mühendisliği Kongresi, 26-29 Ağustos 2008

Ø  CEYLAN S., AKBULUT B.S, KAZAN D., Ilımlı Halofilik Bakterilerin Tuz Stresi, Adaptasyonundaki Metabolik Yollarının Belirlenmesi20. Ulusal Biyokimya Kongresi29 Ekim-1 Kasım 2008, Nevşehir

Ø  Öztürk DC, Kazan D, Denizci AA, Secundo F, Erarslan A., Akalen Proteazın Konformasyonel  Yapısına Suyla Çözünebilen Organik Çözücülerin Etkisi. 20. Ulusal Biyokimya Kongresi 2008, 29 Ekim- 1 Kasım, Kapadokya, Nevşehir, Kongre Özel Sayısı, V 33, P 84-85

Ø  Öztürk NÇ, Kazan D, Denizci AA, Erarslan A. 20.  Serin Alkalen Proteazın Kinetik Özellikleri Üzerine Bakır İyonlarının Etkisi. Ulusal Biyokimya Kongresi 2008, 29 Ekim- 1 Kasım, Kapadokya, Nevşehir, Kongre Özel Sayısı, V 33, P 85

Ø  Duman YA, Denizci AA, Öztürk DC, Kazan D, Erarslan A., B. clausii Alkalen proteazının Kinetik ve Termodinamik Değerlerinin Di elektrik sabiti ile Değişimi. 20. Ulusal Biyokimya Kongresi 2008, 29 Ekim- 1 Kasım, Kapadokya, Nevşehir, Kongre Özel Sayısı, V 33, P 80-81

Ø  Duman, Y.A., Öztürk,D.C.,Denizci, A.A., Karahan, N., Kazan, D., Erarslan, A., Suyla Karışabilen Monoalkoller Varlığında Bacillus clausii GMBAE42'den Saflaştırılan Alkalen Proteazla Kazein Hidrolizinin Kinetik ve Termodinamik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi, XV. Ulusal Biyoteknoloji Kongresi, 28-31 Ekim 2007, Antalya

Ø  Gençoğlu, A., ve Kazan, D., Çamaltı Tuzlasından İzole Edilen Ilımlı Halofilik Mikroorganizmaların beta galaktosidaz Üretiminin Araştırılması, XV. Ulusal Biyoteknoloji Kongresi, 28-31 Ekim 2007, Antalya

Ø  Öztürk,D.C., Kazan, D., F., Secundu, Erarslan, A., Alkalofilik Bacillus clausii GMBAE42'den Saflaştırılan Serin Alkalen Proteaz’ın Suyla Karışan Monoalkoller Varlığında Yapısal Değişiminin Spektroskopik Yöntemlerle İncelenmesi, XV. Ulusal Biyoteknoloji Kongresi, 28-31 Ekim 2007, Antalya

Ø  Uzyol, K.S., Akbulut, B.S., Kazan, D., Çamaltı Tuzlasından İzole Edilen Halomonas sp. MU21’del a-amilaz Üretiminde Besi Yerinin Yanıt Yüzey Metodolojisi ile Optimizasyonu., XV. Ulusal Biyoteknoloji Kongresi, 28-31 Ekim 2007, Antalya

Ø  Öztürk,N.C., Karahan, N., Denizci, A.A., Kazan, D., Erarslan, A., Bacillus clausii GMBAE42'den Saflaştırılan Serin alkalen Proteazın Cu+2 İyonları ile Termostabilizasyon., XV. Ulusal Biyoteknoloji Kongresi, 28-31 Ekim 2007, Antalya

Ø  Ceylan, S., Dilgimen, A.S., Özbalcı, Ç., Akbulut, B.S.,Kazan, D., Çamaltı Tzlasından İzole Edilen Mikroorganizmaların MALDI-TOF MS ile sınıflandırılması., XV. Ulusal Biyoteknoloji Kongresi, 28-31 Ekim 2007, Antalya

Ø  A. S. Dilgimen, D. Kazan, B W Liebold, Proteomics Study Of Halophilic Microorganisms, Proteomics Workshop, 21-23 Eylül 2006, Antalya

Ø  Kerimak, M.N., Kazan, D., Erarslan, A., The investigation of the denaturation kinetics of penicillin G acylase obtained from a mutant of E.coli ATCC11105 in the presence of water miscible organic solvents,Proteomics Workshop, 21-23 Eylül 2006, Antalya

Ø  Erarslan, A., Kazan, D., Öztürk, D., Stabilization of Enzymes by Bioconjugation Techniques, Proteomics Workshop, 21-23 Eylül 2006, Antalya

Ø  S.Ceylan, D.Kazan, S. Ünal, A. Alp Sayar., Fındık Kabuğundan Biyoetanol Üretimi., Biyoyakıt ( Biyodizel-Biyoetanol) Sempozyumu, 29-30 Haziran 2006, BUTAL-Bursa

Ø  K. S. Uzyol., D.Kazan., Çamalti Tuzlasindan İzole Edilen Ilimli Halofilik Bir Bakteriden Tarimsal Atiklar İle Amilaz Enziminin Üretimi, UKMK7, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir, (2006)

Ø  F. Yağiz, D. Kazan, A.N. Akin., Lipaz Enziminin Hidrotalsit Ve Zeolit Üzerine Tutuklanmasi Ve Biyodizel Yakit Üretiminde Kullanımı., Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir, (2006)

Ø  H. Esen, D. Kazan, A.N. Akin., Enzim Katalizörlerle Biyodizel Üretimi., Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir, (2006)

Ø  S Öztürk., M. Sari, M. Özeren, D. Kazan.,Halotolerant Bacillus Licheniformis Ba17’den Üretilen Alkalen Proteaz Enziminin Saflaştırılmaıi Ve Karakterizasyonu., Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir, (2006)

Ø  Acaroğlu, N., Toksoy Öner, E.,Denizci, A.A., Kazan, D., Ülkemiz Çamaltı Tuzlasından izole edilen halofilik mikroorganizmaların ekstremozimlerinin belirlenmesi, 14. Biyoteknoloji Kongresi, Osmangazi Üniversitesi, 31 Ağustos-2 Eylül (2005), Eskişehir.

Ø  Ateş,Ö., Toksoy Öner, E., Arıkan, B., Denizci,A.A., Kazan, D., Van Gölünden İzole Edilen Halotolerant Mikroorganizmaların Tanılanması Ve Ekstromozimlerinin Belirlenmesi, 14. Biyoteknoloji Kongresi, Osmangazi Üniversitesi, 31 Ağustos-2 Eylül 2005, Eskişehir.

Ø  Yavuztürk B., Toksoy Öner, E., Denizci,A.A., Kazan,  D., Ekstremofillerin Ülkemiz Çamaltı Tuzlasından İzole Edilmesi Ve Tanılanması, 14. Biyoteknoloji Kongresi, Osmangazi Üniversitesi, 31 Ağustos-2 Eylül 2005, Eskişehir.

Ø  Ceylan, S., Kazan, D., Unal, S., Sayar, A.Alp., Karadeniz Bölgesi Çotanağının Etanol Üretimi İçin Kaynak Olarak Kullanılması, Biyoenerji Sempozyumu, Ege Üniversitesi, 20-22 Ekim 2004, İzmir

Ø  Ateş,Ö., Toksoy Öner, E., Arıkan, B., Denizci,A.A., Kazan, D., Halotolerant Bacillus sp. ‚den alkalen proteaz enziminin üretimi, XVI. Ulusal Biyofizik Kongresi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, 19-21 Eylül 2004, Ankara

Ø  Coşkuner-Öztürk, Denizci, A., Kazan, D., Erarslan, A., Karton üretim tesisinden izole edilen bakterilerin tanımlanması ve ürettikleri polisakkaritlerin karakterizasyonu, XIII. Biyoteknoloji Kongresi 25-29 Ağustos 2003 Çanakkale                                   

Ø  Denizci, A.A., Kazan, D., Erarslan, Yerel Ekosistemlerden Alkalofilik Bacillus Soylarının Taranarak seçilmesi ve Tanımlanması., Biyoteknolojide Termofilik ve Halofilik Bakteriler., 27 Şubat-1 Mart 2002, Ebiltem-İzmir                    

Ø  Coşkuner-Öztürk, D., Kazan, D., Erarslan, A., Kimyasal Modifikasyonlar ile Penisilin Asilaz Enziminin Stabilizasyonu., 12. Biyoteknoloji Kongresi. 17-21 Eylül 2001 Ayvalık –Balıkesir                                                                                                       

Ø  Denizci, A.A., Kazan, D., Erarslan, A., Komposttan İzole Edilen Bacillus sp.den Alkalen Proteaz Enziminin Saflaştırılması., 12. Biyoteknoloji Kongresi. 17-21 Eylül 2001 Ayvalık –Balıkesir                                                                                                        

Ø  Kazan, D., Erarslan, A., Escherichia coli ATCC 11105 Mutant suştan elde edilen Penisilin G asilazın Aktif Merkezinde Bulunan Katalizden Sorumlu Amino Asitlerin Belirlenmesi, IX.Biyofizik Kongresi, İstanbul, 10-12 Eylül 1998.                      

Ø  Kazan, D., Erarslan, A., Escherichia coli ATCC 11105’ten elde edilen Penisilin G asilaz enziminin.polietilen glikol varlığında ısıl kararlılığının incelenmesi, (Poster) IX. Ulusal Biyofizik Kongresi, 5-6 Eylül 1997, ODTÜ, Ankara.                                        

Ø  Kazan, D., Erarslan, A., Polihidrik bileşiklerinEscherichia coli ATCC 11105’ten elde edilen penisilin G asilaz enziminin pH kararlılığına etkisinin incelenmesi., (Poster) IX. Ulusal Biyofizik Kongresi, 5-6 Eylül 1997, ODTÜ, Ankara.                            

Ø  Kazan, D., Ertan, H., Erarslan, A., Esherichia coli ATCC 11105'in bir mutantından elde edilen penisilin G asilaz'ın kimyasal çapraz bağlamayla pH'ya karşı stabilizasyonu., 9. Kültür Koleksiyonları, Endüstriyel Mikrobiyoloji ve Biyoteknoloji Kongresi., Denizli, 21-23 Eylül, 1995.                                                                                                   

Ø  Kazan, D., Hortaçsu, A., Çamurdan, A., Glikoz Konsantrasyonunun Rekombinant E.coli Kültürlerinin  Büyümesine ve Plazmid Miktarına Etkisinin Modellenmesi, Birinci Ulusal Kimya Mühendisliği Kongresi, Ankara, 13-16 Eylül,1994                                  

Ø  Kazan, D., Hortaçsu, A., Çamurdan, A., Rekombinant E.coli kültürleri ile enzim üretiminin kinetik özelliklerinin incelenmesi, VIII Kimya ve Kimya Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, 7-11 Eylül  1992, İstanbul                                                      

Ø  Kazan, D., Hortaçsu, A., İki Kademeli Sürekli Kültür Sisteminde Fermentasyon Ürünlerinin Optimizasyonu., VII Kimya ve Kimya Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, 2-5 Nisan 1991, Kıbrıs                                                                                            

Ø  Aksak, N., Kazan, D., Hortaçsu, Ö., Karıştırmalı Kaplarda Newtonsal ve Newtonsal Olmayan Ortamlarda Gaz-Sıvı Kütle Aktarımı., VII Kimya ve Kimya Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, 2-5 Nisan 1991, Kıbrıs      




Ø Kazan D., Akbulut B.S., Protein İzolasyonu ve Analizi,Ed: Levent N. Türkeri, Ayşe Özer, Fehmi Narter. Pp 583-597. In: Moleküler Üroloji, Pelin Ofset 2012, Ankara. ISBN: 978-975-01697 

Ø Kazan, D. “Endüstriyel Biyoteknoloji” “Modern Biyoteknoloji Ve Uygulamalar”  Editörler: Munis Dündar, Haydar Bağış. Ekim 2010 (ISBN: 9789756478639) Erciyes Üniversitesi Yayınları

Ø Kazan, D. “Enzim Mühendisliği’nde Temel Konular ve Uygulamalar” Lisans Üstü Yaz Okulu Kurs Kitabı ”

Ø Kazan, D. “Enzimlerin Saflaştırılması ve Nitelendirilmesinde Temel Yöntemler” Lisans Üstü Uygulamalı Kursu, Kurs Kitabı

Ø Kazan, D. “ İmmobilize Enzimler ve Uygulamaları” Lisans Üstü Eğitim Kursu Kurs Kitabı”







7-9 July 2017

From Network to Targets: Workshop on Omics Technologies and Applications

12-13 March 2015


1-5 September 2008

Introduction to Proteomics II

24-27 April 2007

Introduction to Proteomics I

30 September2005

Meetings on Identification of Bacteria in Food Microbiology

Marmara University, Engineering Faculty

16-18 August 2004

Mass Spectrometer and ProteomicsWorkshop

Marmara University, Engineering Faculty

12-16 July 1999

Enzyme Immobilization and Applications


Between 1998-2009 every year

Basic techniques for Enzyme Purification and Characterization


13 - 19 July, 1997

Basic Principles and Applications in Enzyme Engineering, TUBITAK-MAM-GMBE


























MSc Thesis

Ø  Fermentation of Enzymatically Saccharified Agricultural Residue for Ethanol Production (Selim Ceylan)

Ø  Isolation and Idendification of Extremophiles Isolated from Camalti Saltern Area (Bahar Yavuzturk)

Ø  Purification and Characterization of Alkaline Protease produced by Bacillus sp. Isolated from Local Ecosystems (Selcuk Ozturk)

Ø  Productıon and purification of RTEM-e beta-lactamase ans Its Inhibition by peptides (Naze Gul Avci’ Co-advisor)

Ø  Investigation of the effect of Antimicrobial Agents on Microorganisms (Çağakan Özbalcı, Co-advisor)

Ø  Amylolytic Enzyme Production from a Moderately Halophilic Bacteria by Using Agricultural Wate (Kamil Serkan Uzyol)

Ø  Investigation of The Kinetics of  Bacillus subtilis SDP1 alpha amylase immobilized on Magnetic Alginate Beads (Eda Bal)

Ø  Production of Polyhydroxyalkalonate from Extreme Obligate Alkaliphilic Strain Bacillus marmarensis GMBE 72T isolated from Mushroom Compost (Tugba Ozgoren)

Ø  Production of Cellulosic and Polyhydroxybutyrate Based Polymers and Applications in Tissue Engineering (Gulnihal Bozdag)

Ø  Small Scale Bioprocess Development and Immobilization of Lipase from Cryptococcus albidus (Abdussamed Uras)


PhD Thesis

Ø  Isolation and Identification of Industrially Important Protein Producing Bacteria from Local Ecosystems and Screening of Their Proteins (Hülya Bal)

Ø  Proteomic Study and Flux Analysis of Metabolic Pathways of Halophilic Microorganisms (Selim Ceylan)

Ø   Investigation of the Industrial Enzymes Produced by Bacillus sp Isolated from Acacia Tree (Hasan Ümit ÖZTÜRK)

Ø  Investigation of Gene Expression Levels of Newly Isolated Moderately Halophilic Microorganisms Under Stress Conditions (Serkan Uzyol)

Ø  Production of Polymeric Nanomaterials from Renewable Sources for Biomedical Applications (Elif Isikci Koca)





Undergraduate Courses

General Chemistry

Basic Principles in Chemical Engineering

Introduction to Biochemical Engineering

Chemical Kinetics

Bioengineering Principles

Bioreaction Engineering


Graduate Courses

Reaction Kinetics and Mass Transfer

Enzyme Kinetics

Principles in Biotechnology

Molecular Techniques Used for Identification of Microorganisms

Enzyme and Fermentation Technology

Proteomics and Mass Spectrometer


          Enzyme Technology




Ø Purification and İmmobilization of Enzymes, 6th April 2014, II Bioengineering and Genetic Days, Yeditepe Üniversity, İstanbul

Ø Conversion of Lignocellulosic Materials to Fermentable Sugars, 16th March 2014, Ege Üniversity, II. Bioengineering Student Congress, İzmir; 17th March 2014, Energy Days, KMMO Student Days, Marmara Üniversity

Ø Proteom Technologies for Drug Development, 16-17 Mach 2013, KMMO Student Days, İTÜ

Ø Metabolomics: Proteomİstanbul, İstanbul University, Molecular Biology and Genetic Department, 15-17 July 2013

Ø Metabolomics: Proteomİstanbul, İstanbul University, Molecular Biology and Genetic Department, 12-17 July 2010

Ø Biotechnological Applications  and potentialities of moderately halophilic bacteria

o  Turkish-German Workshop on Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 21-22 September, 2010, Aachen, Germany

Ø Introduction to Proteomics.

o  Proteomic Araştırmaları: Temel Bilgiler ve Uygulamalı Örnekleri, 10-11 December 2009, Istanbul

Ø BIOTECHNOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS AND POTENTIAL OF MODERATELY HALOPHILIC BACTERIA, İstanbul Technical University, Molecular Biology and Genetic Department, 2009

Ø Biohydrogen Production and Industrial Applications, 14-15 April 2005, TÜBİTAK, GMBAE

Ø Gene Cloning and Expression in Procaryotic Systems, 2-13 July 2001 , 3-14 July 2000, and 5-16 October 1998, TÜBİTAK, GMBAE

Ø Molecular Biology Course, 28 June-09 July 1999, TÜBİTAK, GMBAE