Reinforcement Learning
Borahan Tümer
The goal of this class is to equip the graduate (Ph.D. and possibly the M.S. ) students with the basic principles of reinforcement learning (RL). RL is inspired from the way humans and other mammals use to develop strategies/solutions to fulfill their daily tasks. RL is a learning technique that the learner extracts from its experience by interacting with its environment. The following outline will be followed throughout the class:
  1. Introduction
  2. Evaluative Feedback
  3. Reinforcement Learning Problem
  4. Dynamic Programming
  5. Monte Carlo Methods
  6. Temporal-Difference Learning
  7. Eligibility Traces (ETs)
  8. Generalization and Function Approximation
  9. Planning and Learning
  10. Hierarchical RL (HRL)
  11. RL in Non-Stationary Environments
  12. Transfer Learning in RL
  13. Multi-Agent RL
Grading (Tentative)
  • Midterm: 15%
  • Projects: 35%
  • Final: 50%
Prerequisite Courses
  • CSE 729 would be helpful.